Anchor Academic Services offers students alternate ways to get marks in Applied Design and Skills Technology, Science and Art. In this Learning Camp, students learn how to draw a variety of shapes in 3D and are challenged to put together simple printing projects. Once exported, they are 3D printed and mailed home for them to enjoy.
The work projects will be graded and can be used by their teacher for marks on the student's report card, meeting a number of curricular competencies in ADST, Science and Art Education.
Dates: November 14, 21, 28 1:00pm by Zoom
And now the small print:
- You must register to participate
- Course material is geared for students aged 8 - 12, but anyone can register
- Parents are responsible for preparing students for the online Zoom Sessions.
- Learning Camps have upper and lower limits and may be capped or canceled, depending on enrolment.
- Assignments will be graded and results will be sent to the student's teacher for report cards.
- Cost: $30. Funds can be paid for through the ACA school funds.
Email here for more information
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