Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Anchor Learning Camps - Geocaching


Anchor Academic Services offers a fun way to get marks in Applied Design and Skills Technology.  Also, marks can be assigned for Socials Studies, Science, and Physical & Health Education.  

Can you spot the geocache hiding in plain sight?

Basic Geocaching
A certified teacher will provide online lessons for students to learn the basics of the geographic coordinate system, the history of the GPS, and the basics of geocaching.  Students are then taught to use a programmed GPS sent to their homes with a geo-trek challenge. 

The online module and geocaching adventure will be graded, so your child's teacher will be able to use those marks and comments for their 1st quarter report cards.

Online Session #1:
1) Geographic Coordinate System (Longitude and Latitude)
2) Global Positioning Systems (The history of the GPS satellites)
3) Geocaching (The Basics)

Online Session #2 Geo-Trek Challenge:
1) Learn to use a Garmin GPS trex20x
2) Accept the challenge to find locally hidden treasures - official geocaches

* Garmin GPS trex20x units must be returned by January 6.


Online Session #1: 
Thursday, October 3, 1:00pm
by Zoom session link

Online Session #2: Geo-Trek Challenge
Thursday, October 10, 1:00pm
by Zoom session link

Complete the Geo-Trek Challenge by Friday, November 1 for full marks!

And now the small print:
  • You must register to participate.
  • The online module must be completed previous to the Geo-Trek Module.
  • Courses and marks are geared for students aged 8 - 12, but anyone can participate.
  • Parents are welcome to join the geocaching adventure.
  • Parents are responsible for transportation to and from the Geo-Trek challenge.
  • Students need to be capable and dressed for a hike - closed-toed shoes, appropriate tops for rain or shine.
  • Handheld GPS units will be provided for each student.  These must be returned by January or the "value of the unit" charge will be applied.
  • Anchor has the right to limit the number of participants to the amount of GPS units available.
  • Cost: $40.  This covers the online modules and shipping for the GPS unit.  Funds can be paid for through the ACA school funds.

We're Full!  Please try again next year.

Email here for more information.